First Carbon Offsetting Project for 90,000 Hectares Registered

By Jodi Legge and Eleanor Momberg

The Endangered Wildlife Trust and the International Crane Foundation have registered carbon offsetting project in the Drakensberg – one of only six registered carbon offsetting projects in the world using Voluntary Carbon Market Methodology and covering the widest geographical footprint in a country.

This is part of the EWT/ICF partnership’s long-term commitment to protect threatened crane habitat in the Drakensberg region. The project extends 90,000 ha, of which 88,500 ha is managed by the EWT/ICF partnership as the Carbon Management Entity with the developer, WeAct, from Australia. Further expansion is planned during the second half of 2024 and will be known as the second instance.

“Landowners are interested in joining at least another 45,000 ha for the second instance,” said Pieter Botha, ICF project manager.

Botha added that the partnership covered several critical areas under biodiversity stewardship agreements with crucial landowners. Information opportunities were created to discuss the project, objectives, and outcomes with our partner landowners.

The primary purpose of carbon trading is to channel finances towards a sustainable transition in limiting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and GHG sequestration. The cost associated with the removal of GHG needs to be recovered because the removal cost is potentially much lower than the cost of dealing with the consequences of global warming. Through the voluntary carbon market initiatives linked to the free-market principle are allowed as these achieve an incentive by pursuing the initiatives set out in the Paris Agreement reached at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s talks in 2015.

Carbon offsetting is considered a sustainable financing option by providing investments that reduce or remove emissions, improve livelihoods and protect the environment. Carbon credits are sold on the market with revenue returned to landowners. Landowners are rewarded financially as they implement sustainable and improved land management practices that contribute to a healthier ecosystem, are friendly to cranes, and promote greater biodiversity.

The Drakensberg region is home to three species of threatened cranes – the Wattled, Blue and Grey-Crowned Cranes. It is a region that has been at risk from mining, infrastructure development, invasive species, uncontrolled fire and agricultural expansion. These factors have reduced habitat for cranes and other species, and pose significant challenges to landowners, threatening the livelihoods of thousands of people who live and work in this region.

“We know these are complex problems,” said Botha adding these required innovative solutions. “Exploration of the carbon trading market has been one of our key strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through carbon sequestration, to improve the state of these fragile habitats.”

Botha said the cost associated with the removal of greenhouse gas emissions to improve the soil needs to be recovered as landowners cannot do it on their own. Removing CO2 from the atmosphere is a cheaper alternative than dealing with the consequences of global warming.

“Carbon trading is not frequently discussed among farmers as it is not part of their daily production cycle on the farm.,” said Botha. “For many landowners, this was a foreign idea, and careful negotiation and education is required to explain the complexities of the project. It takes a long time to engage with landowners, explain the benefits of participating in the project, and getting them to commit to an agreement.”

Farmers are custodians of large tracts of land, which is also home to many diverse species. The Foundation understands that farming has many challenges and no state assistance or subsidies are available in South Africa. This project aims to assist farmers by offsetting costs that come with conservation, creating an enabling environment for proactive conservation.

The project implemented a four-year cycle of carbon credit verification and issuance, with a goal to ensure a 30-year commitment to the project. Anticipated revenue is substantive.

“We believe this approach will mitigate the effects of global warming while creating resilient habitats for our crane population,” said Botha. “This pioneering approach will result in increased carbon in the soil, while providing relief to our resilient farmers to protect their livelihoods and create conservationists at the same time.”
