“You cannot leave Africa, Africa said. It is always with you, there inside your head.” – Bridget Dore, poet.

Conor Tomlin was born in Johannesburg on 28 March 1999.  His life involved extensive travel and experiences of living around the world with his parents due to his mum’s career. As a boy, he lived in Egypt, Ireland, England, in the USA in both California and Nashville, and in Australia, before returning to South Africa to live in Cape Town when he was 13. There, he attended the British International School, and upon graduation, he left South Africa again to attend college in the USA, where he studied Computer Science.

Conor was a real all-rounder in life.  He was an enthusiastic and strong rugby player, which he was well suited to with his 6ft3 sturdy frame. He played the tuba in the school band in Australia, and performed a leading role in two school plays; Aladdin and High School Musical.  He was a capable student, achieving A grades in his A Levels in Maths, Computer Science, and Spanish.

Conor continued his love of travel by participating in Rustic Pathways projects as a volunteer in Thailand, Laos, and Peru during school holidays.

But his heart was increasingly in Africa, and he fell in love with the bush initially through trips with his family, and later through his work as a volunteer on wildlife conservation projects in the Kruger National Park and in Zimbabwe.  Conor missed South Africa very much during the two years he was at college in the USA and returned every holiday, which always involved a trip to the bush.  He was a keen wildlife photographer, and leaves behind him literally thousands of photos of wildlife, birds, and of the beautiful African habitats he visited.  Conor was also a very capable horse rider and a special memory his family have of him was his happiness from the experience of game viewing by horseback in the Kalahari, during their last family bush trip.

Conor was known for his kindness and generous spirit; he made friends all over the world, always with an open heart, and many have written of how he helped them.  He was a kind and affectionate big brother to his sister, Aoife, and a loving son to his parents, Stephen and Fiona.  Conor was a special young man who planned to return to Africa after college.  He talked of using his Computer Science skills to contribute to the fight against poaching.  Sadly, this couldn’t be fulfilled due to Conor’s tragic and untimely death.  He is greatly missed by all who knew him, who cherish their memories of him and the gifts and love he brought to their lives.

Conor’s family has decided to donate funds to the EWT Wildlife in Trade Programme Conservation Canine Project for the next five years, in honour of Conor and to memorialise his life and love for Africa’s bush.

You can leave a legacy too

The EWT relies on bequests both large and small to ensure that we continue fulfilling our vision of a healthy planet and an equitable world that values and sustains the diversity of all life. None of us can avoid the need to have an up-to-date will, ensuring that our last wishes are carried out and our legacy is continued in the way that we would choose. Including a bequest to an organisation like the EWT that you have supported in your lifetime, or that you would have liked to support, is a way to bring meaning and purpose to a life well-lived, and know that you have left the legacy of a better planet for future generations. We assure you that your legacy will make a lasting impact to the benefit of all who inhabit our beautiful country.

Your bequest will help us to…

  • Empower communities to live and work in harmony with nature
  • Increase safe space for Cheetahs and Wild Dogs in South Africa and beyond
  • Conserve grasslands and wetlands to secure our critical water sources
  • Ensure our iconic raptors remain in the skies
  • Raise awareness and create connections between young people and their natural environment through our schools programmes, developing the guardians of the future

… and so much more!

We are proud to be working with Capital Legacy to make leaving a legacy even easier. With a wealth of knowledge and expertise, Capital Legacy provides you with client-centric and excellence-driven service when it comes to drafting your Will, taking care of the administration of Trusts and administering your Estate in the event of your death. Capital Legacy are also the innovators of the Legacy Protection Plan™, an insurance product that completely protects your beneficiaries from the legal fees and expenses that arise when you pass away. Capital Legacy is also committed to protecting forever, together, and for every Legacy Protection Plan™ referral they receive from the EWT, they’ll be making a donation to the organisation. Find out more at or contact
