
The EWT is registered as a Non-Profit Organisation, registration number 015-502 NPO and PBO Registration No 930 001 777.

The EWT is governed in accordance with the Trust Property Control Act No. 57 of 1988, under Master’s reference number IT 6247. The Amended and Restated Deed of Trust 2014, as registered with the Master of the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, is the founding document of the EWT and lays out the roles and responsibilities of Trustees, the Board, and the committees of the Board.

As per the Trust Deed, the Board administers the affairs of the Trust, performing oversight of the management function of Executive Management staff. The Board, per its Charter, develops and adopts a Work Plan annually on a calendar-year basis. In line with the principles of excellent corporate governance, the Board evaluates its own performance in relation to its Work Plan at the end of every year.

The Board Committees assist the Board in the administration of the affairs of the Trust. The committies include:

  1. The Audit Committee, which approves the annual budget for the financial year and continual monitoring of performance against this budget.
  2. The Social and Ethics Committee
  3. The Remuneration Committee

EWT Trustees are not remunerated for their services and serve the EWT in a voluntary capacity.

The EWT’s audited summary financial statements can be viewed in the most recent integrated report.

EWT Trustees

Mr Muhammad Seedat

Remuneration Committee Member

Muhammad joined the EWT Board of Trustees in 2015 and sits on the Remuneration Committee. He is a holder of a Professional Accountant (SA) Tax Practitioner qualifications, Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) degree, Bachelor of Commerce (Acc) Honours in Accounting and Auditing – ACC finalist (UK). Muhammad specialises in research techniques, project management, business writing, corporate governance, company

Mr Dirk Ackerman

Vice Chairperson
Remuneration Committee
Board Member

Dirk joined the EWT Board of Trustees in 2005. He is the Chairperson of the Board and sits on the Remunerations Committee (REMCO). Dirk has a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology and Law, has achieved numerous management qualifications, and attended several Executive Development programmes. He also gained a Military Law qualification while serving as an Officer in the South African Air Force. Dirk is a sworn appraiser to the South African Department of Justice and a qualified property practitioner, a member of the Institute of Directors, a founder member of the SA Tourism Business Council, and a member of the Young Presidents organisation.

Dirk is the Group CEO of the IQ Business Group and serves on the Board of Prodapt IQ SA, an international software development company. Dirk’s career has spanned the banking, financial services, property management and development, public utilities, information technology, and business consultancy industries. Dirk has a strong sense of community commitment and is engaged in several charitable initiatives. He serves on the board of The Starfish Great Hearts Foundation, an international organisation dedicated to the care and education of Aids orphans in Southern Africa and is a director of several other local and international charities. Dirk’s hobbies include flying aerobatics, charitable work, hiking and wildlife, and information technology development.

Mr Paul John Smith

Audit Committee Chairperson
Social and Ethics Committee Member

Paul joined the EWT Board of Trustees in 2010 and became its Treasurer. He is the Chairperson of the Audit Committee and sits on the Social and Ethics Committee. Paul is a Chartered Accountant (SA) with a BSc degree from the (then) University of Natal and holds a Certificate in the Theory of Accountancy from the University of Port Elizabeth. He has also attended the Advanced Management Programme at Wharton Business School in the USA. Before his retirement in 2016, Paul was a partner in the Financial Services Group of KPMG and held the Group Chief Risk Officer position within the Corporate and Investment Banking Division of Standard Bank.

Dr Luthando Dziba

Board Member

Luthando joined the EWT Board of Trustees in 2020. His expertise lies in Veterinary Services, Conservation Planning, and Cultural Heritage. He serves as the Co-chair of the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel of the UN Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), handled the Ecosystems Research team at CSIR, and is currently on SANBI and WITS’ Global Change Institute boards. Luthando is currently the Managing Executive: Conservation Services at South African National Parks (SANParks).

Prof. Barry Ackers

Board Member
Audit Committee Member
Remuneration Committee Chairperson

Barry joined the EWT Board of Trustees in 2015 and sits on the Audit Committee. He holds a Bachelor of Accounting Sciences, Master of Business Administration, Master of Commerce, and Doctor of Commerce – Auditing, and is a Certified Internal Auditor (Institute of Internal Auditors – USA) and supervises Masters and Doctoral research dissertations in the College of Accounting Sciences at the University of South Africa (Unisa). Barry brings vast financial expertise in specific fields of internal auditing. Barry is a member of the International Committee of

Research and Education Advisors of the Institute for Internal Auditors.

Barry spent several years in various private and public services organisations, focusing on financial, governance, operational, and strategic management. Barry enjoys research with a special interest in corporate governance, corporate social responsibility (CSR), integrated reporting and assurance. Barry is a Fellow member of the Institute of Internal Auditors and a member of the Institute of Directors (IODSA). Previously, he was Vice President – Professional Practice on the Board of Directors of the Institute of Internal Auditors S.A. (IIA), a member of the International IIA Committee of Research and Education Advisors, a special advisor in Internal Auditing at the Pretoria Technikon (now the Tshwane University of Technology), leader of the Audit Committees of the Gauteng Provincial Government. Presently, Barry is an affiliate of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA, Southern African Accounting Association (SAAA), International Association for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER), and Institute of Directors.

Mr Christo Reeders

Board Member

Christo joined the EWT Board of Trustees in 2014. He has been a practising attorney since 1982 and has thus been in legal practice spanning more than thirty years. During this time, he has acted successfully in Environmental Law, Mining Law, Constitutional, and Administrative Law. As a senior director of Bell Dewar & Hall, he spearheaded that firm’s Environmental Law department for seven years, whereafter he decided to commence practice for his own account to concentrate on the narrow field of law that holds his interest. Christo Reeders Attorneys is devoted almost exclusively to Environmental Law, Mining Law, litigation relating to these two specialist fields, and general commercial litigation.

Mr Lloyd Madurai

Board Member

Lloyd joined the EWT Board of Trustees in 2020. He has 26 years of experience in various fields, including radio, having worked for several stations before founding his own, Hot 102.7. He excels at building strong, mutually beneficial partnerships and won the 2018 National Small Business Champion of the Year Award.

Mr Abdul Kader Mohamed (aka AK)

Board Member
Audit Committee Member

AK joined the EWT Board of Trustees in 2015 and later joined the Audit Committee. He has been a Senior Executive of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) since 2013 and has held senior financial positions in several organisations, including Mahube Financial Services Group (Pty), Sentech Limited, the Development Bank of Southern Africa, Sanlam Life Limited, Swiss Re Life & Health Southern Africa Limited, the University of Cape Town as Part-time Lecturer for Accounting & Taxation, Nedcor Investment Bank Limited (Syfrets Limited), and as BDO Spencer Steward. AK considers himself a “people person”, and his expertise includes Finance & Accounting, leadership and governance, government networking, and Muslim membership opportunities.

Mrs Joanna Goeller

Board Member
Social and Ethics Committee Chairperson


Joanna joined the EWT Board of Trustees in 2006. She is an Environmental Scientist with over 15 years of experience in the mining and industrial sectors. Joanna is a holder of a B. SocSci, Environmental Science and Geography (Hon) degree and has a wide range of experience in environmental management, including Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Management Systems, Environmental Management Plans, Environmental Audits, Due Diligence Studies, and Closure Plans. Joanna is a qualified Lead Environmental Auditor and has a good understanding of the laws and regulations associated with mining and heavy industry in the African region. She has managed a team of around ten environmental consultants and is excellent at mentoring and guiding younger staff members in the environmental consulting field.

Mr Mike Esterhuysen

Board Member
Social and Ethics Committee Member

Mike joined the EWT Board of Trustees in 2001 and sits on the Social and Ethics Committee. He has many years of experience in the Banking and Insurance sectors, having worked with every bank and insurance company in the country. He is currently the Chief Executive officer of Lesoba Difference (LD), a marketing and advertising company with a 33-year history in the advertising industry. LD provides pro bono services to various

NGOs, including the EWT and Adoption Voice South Africa. Mike is passionate about the environment and wildlife and rushes off to the bush along the Olifants River in the Balule area at every opportunity.

governance documents

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) – B-BBEE Status: Level 4


CONSERVATION for COMMUNITIES – Earning SED points with the Endangered Wildlife Trust

Whistleblower Policy
EWT safeguarding policy