
our story

Since we were established in 1973, the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) has grown from the three founding individuals focused on three projects to over 100 staff members working on over 100 projects across southern and East Africa. Our passionate staff members are dedicated to conserving threatened species and ecosystems in southern Africa for the benefit of all people.

Pack members

our strategy

The EWT achieves its mission by delivering on our three Strategic Imperatives:

These broad pillars of conservation impact are supported through High-level Goals. During a strategy revision workshop held in April 2021, we revised these goals from ten down to six refined programme and department objectives. Five of the new High-level Goals speak directly to our conservation impact, and the sixth goal considers our leadership role within the broader conservation sector.


The EWT is a registered Trust governed in accordance with the Trust Property Control Act No. 57 of 1988, under Master’s reference number IT 6247. The Amended and Restated Deed of Trust 2014, as registered with the Master of the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, is the founding document of the EWT and lays out the roles and responsibilities of Trustees, the Board, and the committees of the Board. EWT Trustees are not remunerated for their services and serve the EWT in a voluntary capacity.


The EWT is a people-inspired NGO. Our staff members and their strength, talent, passion, and energy remain our most essential and valued assets. As such, the Human Resources Department works to support the EWT’s Mission and Vision, enabling a progressive and equitable work environment that will attract and retain EWTeam members.


The Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) is one of the largest and most respected biodiversity conservation NGOs in southern Africa. We have been in operation since 1973 and have more than 100 projects on the go. If you’d like to be part of the EWT team, visit this page regularly for the latest career opportunities.