Cycads: Prehistoric plants in peril

Cycads: Prehistoric plants in peril

Cycads are ancient seed plants (or gymnosperms) that date back to the Jurassic period. The illegal harvesting of wild plants and habitat destruction severely threaten these prehistoric plants. Worryingly, many cycads are Critically Endangered, and others are extinct in the wild, meaning none are left within their natural range.

Documenting all the Biodiversity on Papkuilsfontein

Documenting all the Biodiversity on Papkuilsfontein

The Endangered Wildlife Trust recently conducted a comprehensive biodiversity survey on the Papkuilsfontein proposed Protected Environment. Papkuilsfontein is situated near Nieuwoudtville in the Northern Cape in a region known for its rich and unique biodiversity. There were some fascinating results

Hunting the hunter: for the love of Mantids

Hunting the hunter: for the love of Mantids

Bianca Greyvenstein, Post Doctoral Fellow, and Professor Johnnie van den Berg from the North-West University (NWU) are the leading experts on Mantids in South Africa. The EWT invited them to visit the Papkuilsfontein proposed Protected Environment to document the praying mantis species on the property.

Adventurous Bateleur astounds conservationists

Adventurous Bateleur astounds conservationists

Conservationists from the EWT and its partners, the Chuilexi Conservancy, Niassa Carnivore Project, and WCS/ANAC from the Niassa Special Reserve (NSR) in Mozambique were recently astounded when one of their tracked birds started exploring the wider Mozambique landscape.