Making waves – a wacky new way to whale watch

Making waves – a wacky new way to whale watch

In a game-changer for marine conservation research, the EWT recently partnered with the University of Pretoria’s Mammal Research Institute (MRI) Whale Unit to use drone technology to conduct critical research on the body conditions and behaviour patterns of Southern Right Whales (Eubalaena australis).

A word from the CEO

A word from the CEO

September was full of Special Days, on which topics of ecological and social importance were celebrated.

Breaking new ground on conservation-conscious developments

Breaking new ground on conservation-conscious developments

In the early stages of considering a proposed development, whether it’s a small farm dam or a large coal mine, the prospective developer needs to assess (usually through a specialist consultant) what the impacts of that proposed development might be on the environment through an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).