A brighter and more sustainable future motivating Cedarville farmers to collaborate

A brighter and more sustainable future motivating Cedarville farmers to collaborate

The Endangered Wildlife Trust takes a participative, solution-orientated approach to saving species, conserving habitats, and benefitting people, including engaging with communities to share knowledge and find solutions. Much of our work takes place outside formally protected areas, on private and communal farmland. We work with all relevant stakeholders in the various landscapes to integrate conservation and agricultural priorities to ensure that livelihoods remain viable and that biodiversity is protected.

Riverine Rabbit conservation Anysberg

Riverine Rabbit conservation Anysberg

There are few undiscovered natural gems left out there. The Anysberg area is truly one of the most exciting and largely undiscovered gems in South Africa. It is also at the forefront of Riverine Rabbit conservation in the Karoo, South Africa.