A tribute to a true conservation hero

A tribute to a true conservation hero

The Lettas Kraal story began a long, long time ago, with the folding of the Cape Fold Mountains that formed the spectacular landscape we see in much of the southern and western Succulent Karoo today.

The female of the species is deadlier than the male

The female of the species is deadlier than the male

Men have dominated our society and controlled our commerce for most of recorded history. Rudyard Kipling’s poem, written in 1911, implies that women are more dangerous than men, referring to animal species in which the female is more aggressive than the male.

Woman of the wind

Woman of the wind

Traditional meAJu-Ann Joseph is a field officer for the EWT Eskom Strategic Partnership, stationed at the Sere Wind Energy Facility (WEF), located along the west coast of South Africa.dicine has evolved over thousands of years, resulting in the development of an extensive herbal pharmacopoeia.