Rescue and rehabilitation of a poisoned Egyptian Goose

Rescue and rehabilitation of a poisoned Egyptian Goose

RESCUE AND REHABILITATION OF A POISONED EGYPTIAN GOOSE Dr Lindy Thompson ( and John Davies (EWT Birds of Prey Programme Field Officers), Rebecca Lambert and Nikita Jackson (Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre), and Carrie Hickman (APRN Ground...
Bridging the gap for Vervet Monkeys

Bridging the gap for Vervet Monkeys

BRIDGING THE GAP FOR VERVET MONKEYS Courtney Maiden, EWT’s Wildlife and Transport Programme student, Gaps caused in the forest canopy cover from linear infrastructure, such as roads, force arboreal species to come down to the...
Going bossies

Going bossies

The EWT Drylands Conservation Programme, in partnership with the Grootfontein Agricultural Institute, held Karoo bossie (vegetation) identification days around Loxton this week.

Conservation Champion

Conservation Champion

As a conservation NGO, we are reliant on the generosity and efforts of others to keep our staff in the field doing what they do best, conservation in action.